Monday, March 29, 2010

Minor updates

Brian made a great observation. Presently the site treats votes as a single entity. That is, voting up or down causes the overall votes tally to go up or down. His idea was that there should be a separate count for "vote ups" and "vote downs". This way, there is a measure of total votes, which can indicate general interest in a topic.

I asked Brian and Steven to populate the site so there's a good base for a search to work on. I must say, I enjoy using the site. I find articles I wouldn't have found on my own, some entertaining stuff. Another simple improvement I can make: add Vote Up and Vote Down in the specific category pages. Also, alternating row color changes.

Removed "num_votes", replaced with "vote_ups" and "vote_downs". Vote up and vote down buttons now work to increment these two values. Had a hell of a time getting such a simple thing to work. Used migrations to add/remove/change the columns, then when I tried to populate vote_downs with default values, it freaked out. Turns out it was because my model had some num_votes usage, and that was screwing everything up. Fixed that, everything is now peachy keen.

check out:
Change values/add defaults during migration:

Interesting way to go through an array of things: {|x| do stuff}, maybe sometimes!{|x| do stuff}

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